Editors' Note: The Fall 2021 Edition
Photo by Zean Wu (2020)
Over the next few weeks, the Yale Journal of International Affairs will publish its Fall 2021 Edition online. The edition reflects the highest-quality submissions that the Journal received in the fall term. We are excited to share them with our readers.
The edition covers a wide range of topics, from the Afghanistan withdrawal to climate interventions. Its articles, book reviews and photo essays each detail contemporary problems and propose solutions for policymakers. We intend that these articles will not only inform readers, but also will advance debates on current dilemmas in global affairs.
The articles included in the Fall 2021 edition were chosen in an author-blind review process. The editorial team presented reviewers with submitted pieces in a standardized format, with any identifying information about the author removed. This procedure helped to minimize bias in the selection process. The quality of each submission was the primary consideration for selection.
The result is an online edition of YJIA complete with informative writing, compelling argument, and sound recommendations. We hope you enjoy reading its articles as much as we enjoyed editing them.
Thank you to our editing team and to all authors that submitted their work. We invite you to submit your work to us again.
Our best for the new year,
The YJIA Leadership Team